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  • MUSSURANA (Clelia clelia) PIEBALD

    First of all, sorry for my english...

    March 22, 2012 is a day that I will always remember. Together with my wonderful girlfriend I have realized a dream I had in the drawer and then in the works for 4 years. Today, from America, some specimens of mussurana piebald have landed in Italy. In addition to piebald also a female ancestral (that i think someone in England already has got) ))
    Now I have 2.3 cb... i can not deny that seeing these beautiful snakes alive after years of waiting, literally took my breath away.
    I have to admit that their beauty really leaves without words.
    Thanks again to the few people who have supported this journey and especially to my beautiful wife Jessica, without which it would be a serious communication problem maintaining relationships overseas. (thanks to my love).

    For those wishing to learn more about this species "elected" the current scientific name is Clelia clelia, now Boiruna occipitolutea, common name mussurana.

    As soon as they will be acclimated after a long flight ... i'll post the usual pics

    you can see the video of the arrive on my fb page