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  • Welcome!

    Dear all,

    we are pleased to be the first to open the new english DGHT Forum today. For those new to the european herper scene we might have to explain that your host, the DGHT, is the worlds largest non profit organisation of herpers and herpetologists with a total number of more than 8000 members. The DGHT has been founded and still resides in Germany but as of today its members represent nationalities from all over the world. Since a few years, a significant percentage of german speaking DGHT members and guests come together in the numerous DGHT forums and freely discuss all aspects of herpetoculture and herpetology. You will find newbie herpers, specialists and experienced breeders as well as professional herpetologists within these forums. Hence we hope that its new english section will turn out to be an easy interface between then english speaking community and those european herpers and herpetologists who can write in english but so far hesitated to leave the DGHT online environment. At least its a chance to meet herpers from Europe, especially Germany and learn about location specific trends in herpetoculture and herpetology.

    There`re some rules we would like you to accept.

    Here you may post any message or question concerning herpetoculture or herpetology. Feel free to participate but please refrain from advertising anything, except for events. General recommendations of books or literature are allowed as well.

    Please keep in mind that our forums are for discussion, entertainment, and community purposes only and that the quality of each individual information depends solely on the competence and effort of the individual author of a posting. We hence can make no claims of accuracy about any information you might find there. Readers rely on information posted on our sites at their own risk.

    For your and our protection, our forums are moderated and any postings containing obscene materials, profanity, or racial, sexual, personal, or religious slurs will be edited or removed.

    Sincerely yours

    Silvia Macina for the Board
    and the Team of Moderators

  • #2
    Re: Welcome!

    I thought we are already far more than 9'000 members now!


    • #3
      Re: Welcome!

      Hi folks,

      well, it's good to see the German Herpetological Society going international. In fact, this was overdue!

      Good luck and happy herping.



      • #4
        Re: Welcome!

        I feel that this is going to become one of my favorite forums.
        Thank you DGHT.


        • #5
          Re: Welcome!

          Hello ~h,

          nice to have you here now.

          your msn-friend


          • #6
            Re: Welcome!

            Thanks Shuppi



            • #7
              Re: Welcome!

              Hi Daniel,

              it seems, that your information source regarding the number of members must be better than mine.

              I`ll inform the board pretty soon; I´m sure that they`re happy to hear about the increasing membership .

              Best regards



              • #8
                Re: Welcome!

                I found your forum through Ingo. Thank you for opening it to English speaking herpers and sharing your knowledge. I have 2 female and 1 male Chinese Water Dragons and 1 male Ambanja Panther Chameleon. I hope to have fertile eggs this Spring from at least one of my female dragons. I am a novice keeper of the chameleon.


                • #9
                  Re: Welcome!

                  So welcome Diane,

                  lets keep our fingers crossed that I did not promise too much.
                  It would be nice if the international part of the DGHT forum would become sonmewhat more active.

                  Best regards


                  Kober? Ach der mit den Viechern!


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: Welcome!

                    Ingo schrieb:
                    It would be nice if the international part of the DGHT forum would become sonmewhat more active.
                    Hi Ingo,

                    what I regret most is that english speaking people can't make direct use of this incredible database of knowledge.
                    It'd be wonderful, if there was any way of implementing a <translation-automation> kind of thing as can be found in various search engines. Though I admit, those translations are mostly of horrible quality, and often don't make any sense at all .

                    Schöne Grüße



                    • #11
                      Re: Welcome!

                      I am happy to help make the English section more readily used. I am happy to answer questions on anatomy, taxonomy, behaviour and captive breeding and management of turtles and tortoises.

                      Cheers, Scott

