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Varanus acanthurus... Meldepflicht?

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  • Varanus acanthurus... Meldepflicht?


    I bought some V.acanthurus in germany, I also live in Germany (Berlin). There came a paiper with them "herkunftsnachweis" and it said I should report my animals to the gouverment. So I called back to the breeder and told him to not report me as a buyer cos I usually avoid any contact with authorities. Almost always a good choice :-)

    But now I wounder... If I would breed them in the future would I get into problems selling offspring from non registered parents? Is there anything "in it for me" to report these animals? Does it cost anything? Could it cause any unexpected visit from nagging persons at least trying to convince me to let them into my flat if i go ahead and report them?

    Sorry for beeing so paranoid, but I had the "most amazing" experiance with german authorities already, ha ha.

    Still these are Australian animals so practically speaking they should be breed in captivity anyway. Do they understand that?

    I also have come G. carbonaria at home that a friend in sweden breed, I got no paipers whatsoever for them, and I just checked, they are B animals! How do they solve problems like this?

    In sweden illegal animals witout papers caught at the border are usually put to death, just to make things "right", unless a zoo wants them of course.

    Looking forward ot more info on this...


    P.S. feel free to reply in German
    Zuletzt geändert von NordLand; 28.08.2007, 23:09.

  • #2
    Hello Gustaf,

    the German law obliges the keeper of several animal species ( especially keepers of WA protected species ) to registrate them at the responsible authority. The name of this authority varies in each of our federal states and I don't know how it's called in Berlin, in Hessen it's called the "Untere Naturschutzbehörde". V. acanthurus is definetly a species that requires a registration and if you don't do so you will at least get problems if you wanna sell them further, give them away or breed them. Also the seller could experience problems if he doesn't let them registrate as not in his property anymore.

    Nowadays the "Herkunftsnachweis" "replaces" the CITES papers for several species, I guess cause of the bureaucratical expense. The registration does not allow any authority to access your home. In order to do so they would need to go the same way as the German Police would have to do, what means that they only could "visit" you ( against your will ) in company of police and equipped with official papers signed by a judge. In fact a visit of those authorities ( I personally know now breeder who ever was visited by any ) would probably go that way that if they find anything wrong with the registrations or would have got hints of miserable circumstances of animal keeping, they would call you and make an appointment to see you.

    I would recommend to registrate the animals to avoid any problems and it also is the only legal way. I'm quiet sure the Geochelone sp. ( G. carbonaria is Geochelone isn't it?! ) needs papers too, I also would guess it's not done with a "Herkunftsnachweis" for those but requires a CITES. But you may ask for this in the "Landschildkröten-Forum" as there are people that know such things for sure. Though I would guess if those are animals bought in a foreign country ( say: not Germany ), then imported and don't have any legal papers it could be a real difficulty to legalize these pets.


    PS: Lol, just red your PS .....
    Obwohl ich die mächtige Suchfunktion benutzt, meinen nächstgelegenen reptilienkundigen Tierarzt aufgesucht, die veterinärmedizinische Datenbank durchsucht, mein Tier den gesetzlichen Mindestanforderungen zur Reptilienhaltung gemäß untergebracht... und den Nachbarn des Schwippschwagers meiner Großtante befragt habe, ist meine Frage immer noch unbeantwortet!


    • #3
      Thank you Black-eye, splendid answer, so costs or strangers in my house. Then I guess I could consider registration :-) Just made a post in the tortoise forum to see if there is any way to legalize my others animals? There is always a way, somehow...

